Server Software I Use

Updated May 2024

Here's most of the software I use to keep this operation running, in case you'd like to host your own site or other networked software.

I've heard for a very long time that Nginx is a better HTTP server than Apache, but I've been using Apache since I started this whole server operation in April 2020, haven't yet pushed it to its limit, and know how to configure it, so I don't plan to switch to Nginx anytime soon, if at all.

My domain names are registered with GoDaddy, and I used the GoDaddy API to keep the DNS records up to date with my dynamic residential IP until they decided to kill API access for non-commercial users. Now, although my domains are still with GoDaddy, I use Cloudflare nameservers and the Cloudflare API to update the IP address.

All of my backups are done with simple backup scripts that I wrote myself, which are run every night using cron. Admittedly, there isn't a whole lot to back up!